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Itaca (Italo Disco/Pop – Berlino), testi in italiano e tanti tanti anni ’80, insieme ai The RAMBO (Punk-Lodi), ignoranza e bruttezza.
Cosa? Non c’entrano niente?
DJ SET by Al Ca Trans & She-8

Ossi Viola and Lo Selbo met in 2011 in the roman quarter of Portonaccio. Back then, Viola had moved to Rome in order to study Musicology, while Selbo had travelled there due to ‘Berlin cabin fever.’ Shortly after, they fell in love and founded the band Itaca. They chose to sing in the language of their first encounter: italiano. Ossi speaks fluent Italian, Lo Selbo talks in riddles, but increases his wordpool with every new song he sings.
Itaca’s music mirrors italian cantautori of the 70’s (Lucio Battisti, Franco Battiato), synthpop of the 80’s (Yazoo, Human League, Depeche Mode) and psychedelic artpop of the noughties (Animal Collective, The Knife). During the past two years they have toured throughout Italy and also navigated Berlin’s DIY-Jungle.
April 21st 2017 will see the release of their new record Itaca Mi Manchi (Itaca I Miss You) on the Tuscan label Aloch Dischi.

After first Berlin shows in 2013, Itaca were invited to to play the infamous Ostiapalusa Festival in Ostia, June 2014. The moment Ossi and Lo sang the chorus of Ispirami, looking each other in the eyes, reciting their lyrics “vediamo il cielo ruotare, come un vinile | una ridda di mondi canta per noi | so ho un mio mondo dentro di me | Ispirami!” the audience bursted into an emotional hurrican; Hipsters were caressing punks, syndicalists kissing with industrial daughters, disco chicks doing funky dances with the elderly couple in the background. It seemed a new canzone popolare was in the air. And so they dared to come back to Italy.

THE RAMBO è un trio lodigiano formato da J.Marsala (chitarra, voce e samplers) , Capa de Sangre (chitarra) e Bang L.A. Desh (batteria), dedito ad un cocktail feroce e convulso di noise, garage-punk, no-wave e blues.
THE RAMBO nasce nel 2013 come duo (chitarra/voce e batteria), diventa presto trio con l’aggiungersi di Al-Funk (synth) e registra nel 2014 il primo disco (FIRST BLOOD),
uscito per Il Verso del Cinghiale, Villa Inferno e Lepers Produtcions.
Il nuovo disco, THE STABBING (Cloadhead Records, Il Verso del Cinghiale, Villa Inferno e Wallace Records) è stato registrato e mixato da Luca Ciffo (Fuzz Orchestra)
e masterizzato da Nando Farro (Maybe I’M) tra marzo e maggio 2016.

Ingresso 4€ con Tessera ARCI
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Via Isonzo, 194 // 04100 Latina (di fronte “Latina Controsoffitti” // a 150 mt dalla SS 148)

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